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Britt Block
Britt Block


... As modern people, we are chards of glass. We are separate and broken. But that is not all that we are. We get glimpses of wholeness, of the light in the world; we see that our brokenness is not everything we are.

I use the language of nature: rocks, water, leaves, fruit blossoms as they capture

fragments of light. Rocks, water, leaves, apple blossoms: they arrive in multiples, seemingly the same. I choose the most ordinary - the most "unimportant".  Those simple moments can provide a portal that transports us out of the mundane and into the radiant ground of being and the underlying aliveness: the tissue that connects us. The underpaintings for all of my works are fluorescent, neon colors which sometimes peek through- giving us a glimpse of the radiant light within the world. If we are lucky, we can catch a side-eye glimpse of this wonder, this radiance, this love, as we travel through our lives.

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